void syscall_init(void)
wrmsr(MSR_STAR, 0, (__USER32_CS << 16) | __KERNEL_CS);
wrmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, (unsigned long)entry_SYSCALL_64);
wrmsrl(MSR_CSTAR, (unsigned long)entry_SYSCALL_compat);
* This only works on Intel CPUs.
* On AMD CPUs these MSRs are 32-bit, CPU truncates MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP.
* This does not cause SYSENTER to jump to the wrong location, because
* AMD doesn't allow SYSENTER in long mode (either 32- or 64-bit).
wrmsrl_safe(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS, (u64)__KERNEL_CS);
wrmsrl_safe(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, 0ULL);
wrmsrl_safe(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, (u64)entry_SYSENTER_compat);
wrmsrl(MSR_CSTAR, (unsigned long)ignore_sysret);
wrmsrl_safe(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP, 0ULL);
wrmsrl_safe(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP, 0ULL);
/* Flags to clear on syscall */
* Interrupts are off on entry.
* We do not frame this tiny irq-off block with TRACE_IRQS_OFF/ON,
* it is too small to ever cause noticeable irq latency.
// KPTI 进内核态需要切到内核页表
* A hypervisor implementation might want to use a label
* after the swapgs, so that it can do the swapgs
* for the guest and jump here on syscall.
// 将用户栈偏移保存到 per-cpu 变量 rsp_scratch 中
movq %rsp, PER_CPU_VAR(rsp_scratch)
// 加载内核栈偏移
movq PER_CPU_VAR(cpu_current_top_of_stack), %rsp
/* Construct struct pt_regs on stack */
pushq $__USER_DS /* pt_regs->ss */
pushq PER_CPU_VAR(rsp_scratch) /* pt_regs->sp */
pushq %r11 /* pt_regs->flags */
pushq $__USER_CS /* pt_regs->cs */
pushq %rcx /* pt_regs->ip */
pushq %rax /* pt_regs->orig_ax */
pushq %rdi /* pt_regs->di */
pushq %rsi /* pt_regs->si */
pushq %rdx /* pt_regs->dx */
pushq %rcx /* pt_regs->cx */
pushq $-ENOSYS /* pt_regs->ax */
pushq %r8 /* pt_regs->r8 */
pushq %r9 /* pt_regs->r9 */
pushq %r10 /* pt_regs->r10 */
pushq %r11 /* pt_regs->r11 */
// 为r12-r15, rbp, rbx保留位置
sub $(6*8), %rsp /* pt_regs->bp, bx, r12-15 not saved */
* If we need to do entry work or if we guess we'll need to do
* exit work, go straight to the slow path.
movq PER_CPU_VAR(current_task), %r11
jnz entry_SYSCALL64_slow_path
* Easy case: enable interrupts and issue the syscall. If the syscall
* needs pt_regs, we'll call a stub that disables interrupts again
* and jumps to the slow path.
#if __SYSCALL_MASK == ~0
// 确保系统调用号没超过最大值,超过了则跳转到后面的符号 1 处进行返回
cmpq $__NR_syscall_max, %rax
andl $__SYSCALL_MASK, %eax
cmpl $__NR_syscall_max, %eax
ja 1f /* return -ENOSYS (already in pt_regs->ax) */
// 除系统调用外的其他调用都通过 rcx 来传第四个参数,因此将 r10 的内容设置到 rcx
movq %r10, %rcx
* This call instruction is handled specially in stub_ptregs_64.
* It might end up jumping to the slow path. If it jumps, RAX
* and all argument registers are clobbered.
// 调用系统调用表中对应的函数
call *sys_call_table(, %rax, 8)
// 将函数返回值压到栈中,返回时弹出
movq %rax, RAX(%rsp)
* If we get here, then we know that pt_regs is clean for SYSRET64.
* If we see that no exit work is required (which we are required
* to check with IRQs off), then we can go straight to SYSRET64.
movq PER_CPU_VAR(current_task), %r11
testl $_TIF_ALLWORK_MASK, TASK_TI_flags(%r11)
jnz 1f
LOCKDEP_SYS_EXIT // 宏的实现与 CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCK_ALLOC 内核配置选项相关,该配置允许在退出系统调用时调试锁。
TRACE_IRQS_ON /* user mode is traced as IRQs on */
movq RIP(%rsp), %rcx
movq EFLAGS(%rsp), %r11
// 恢复除 rxc 和 r11 外所有通用寄存器, 因为 rcx 寄存器为调用系统调用的应用程序的返回地址, r11 寄存器为老的 flags register
* This opens a window where we have a user CR3, but are
* running in the kernel. This makes using the CS
* register useless for telling whether or not we need to
* switch CR3 in NMIs. Normal interrupts are OK because
* they are off here.
SWITCH_USER_CR3 // KPTI 返回用户态需要切回用户页表
/* 根据压栈的内容,恢复 rsp 为用户态的栈顶 */
movq RSP(%rsp), %rsp
/* 调用宏 USERGS_SYSRET64 ,其扩展调用 swapgs 指令交换用户 GS 和内核GS, sysret 指令执行从系统调用处理退出 */
SYM_INNER_LABEL(swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode, SYM_L_GLOBAL)
POP_REGS pop_rdi=0
* The stack is now user RDI, orig_ax, RIP, CS, EFLAGS, RSP, SS.
* Save old stack pointer and switch to trampoline stack.
movq %rsp, %rdi
movq PER_CPU_VAR(cpu_tss_rw + TSS_sp0), %rsp
/* Copy the IRET frame to the trampoline stack. */
pushq 6*8(%rdi) /* SS */
pushq 5*8(%rdi) /* RSP */
pushq 4*8(%rdi) /* EFLAGS */
pushq 3*8(%rdi) /* CS */
pushq 2*8(%rdi) /* RIP */
/* Push user RDI on the trampoline stack. */
pushq (%rdi)
* We are on the trampoline stack. All regs except RDI are live.
* We can do future final exit work right here.
SWITCH_TO_USER_CR3_STACK scratch_reg=%rdi
/* Restore RDI. */
popq %rdi